Sunday, June 10, 2007

Last Day of School

Oh my, the last day of school was Wed. the 6th, and I just can't believe her first year went by so fast! It was a busy morning, I started out trying my hand at bookbinding some things for her teacher. But I had just gotten the hang of it when they told me there would be a fire drill. They had to get one more in before the end of the year. So I got to follow Sabrina's class outside for the drill. Then we came back in for ice cream sundaes which I helped to prepare. It was about time to go by then, but I had to make sure to get some pix of her with her teachers. The top two are Sabrina and her teacher Mrs. Carstens. The bottom one is with the teacher assistant, Mrs. Johnson. They were both so nice and did such a good job with Sabrina, I couldn't thank them enough!! Now it is time for summer and swim classes and workshops at the library. Anything to keep her from getting bored! Well, bye for now!
P.S. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up! I plan on opening an etsy shop very soon! So watch here for updates!! :)

1 comment:

Kari said...

Such sweet pictures. Summer is HERE ready or not! Sure felt like it this weekend in the twin cities, huh?! CAN'T WAIT for your etsy shop. Woohoo!!!!

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