Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Major Award!

Thank you to Becca of "Magikal Seasons" for nominating me for this award! I'm so flattered! The only catch is you're supposed to list 7 things about yourself and then pass it on to 15 fellow bloggers. I only did five, sorry, but maybe you awardees can do 15! Well, since I already did 10 things about myself, I'll have to come up with seven new ones! Here goes:
1. I'm a huge fan of Dark Shadows, we watched it everyday after school.
2. I used to make pets out of everything, including one of the chickens on our farm, and a daddy long legs spider. ( they didn't know they were my pets, by the way)
3. I thought I saw the Easter bunny's ears and Rudolf's nose when I was little.
4. My maiden name is DesLauriers, so my first name used to be part of my last name.
5. My oldest sister is 15 years older than me.
6. I've always wanted to live near the ocean.
7. I lost about 50 pounds a couple of years ago, and have kept it off.
That's it! Here are my picks:
These are wonderful blogs, so definitely check them out!
Bye for now!


Diane Mars said...

Laurie you are a doll. ox Diane

Flora said...

50 LBS!!!!!????Ok what was your method PLEASE DO TELL!!!!
Thanks for the nomination , I so appreciate that I'm thought of when it comes to these awards,
I unfortunately don't have the time to play, but Thanks a bunch and I will wear the badge proudly
on my blog for all to see!!!

Unknown said...

You're welcome everyone! Flora, I hate to say it, but it was eating less and excersizing more! But I was using a program through my insurnace that really helping. :)

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Thanks for the award, Laurie...I loved getting to know you better!

Denise M. DesLauriers said...


Love, Mom and Denise

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