Sunday, October 19, 2014

What I Wore

 I finished the vintage cape I altered,
by removing the fringe, hemming, 
and changing the buttons.
Cape, blouse and bracelet: thrift
Leggings, sweater dress, boots,
tee, hat and purse: Target
Leaf pin: vintage

I took a thrifted vintage belt
and altered my black purse,
so I could wear it cross body.

The bit I didn't use on the purse,
I made into a bracelet.
Linking to Visible Monday.
Bye for now!


Patti said...

I love the way you customized your cape and bag! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

You are so cute...and that smile is your best accessory!

Anonymous said...

I love that cape!

Diane Mars said...

I love how your altered cape looks, and aren't you clever with that custom purse strap and matching bracelet! Impressed~

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Love the cape! I'm very "into" tartan type fabrics as of late :-)


Charlotte Issyvoo said...

I'm all about the capes lately. Yours looks great and I love the addition of the leaf brooch. I've been wearing a lot of leaf jewerly too lately.

Unknown said...

I just love the blog title and your happy vibe here. What a swingin' cape and cute hat. Great look!

Vix said...

That cape looks brilliant, I love the whole outfit. xxx

Curtise said...

Love the cape, and what a clever idea to lengthen the bag strap. You look gorgeous! xxx

Marea Dotz said...

What a great idea to add a long strap to a bag. I'm going to try doing the same thing with an old (but lovely) clutch. Thanks for the tip!

Jessica Jannenga said...

Love the ingenuity. Also you look great in the cape and the green and black plaid is a favorite.
from the link up, jess xx
Please stop by,

Jill James said...

You look great in this plaid cape. Clever girl with your alterations, not just the cape but the bag as well.

Colour Queen said...

Your cape is so super stylish, I love the plaid. What a fabulous idea taking a belt and using it for the strap on your purse, and the bracelet too! How inspiring!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a coup! You did great, kid. I love to see a piece so much improved by remaking!
Really Excellent!

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