Just took pix of my latest (and probably last ) Halloween pixies for Ebay. These turned out just great I thought. There is a set of three feather tree pixies. And, a spider pixie, which was such fun to do. They should get listed tonight, barring any natural or unatural catastrophies. So, everyone can get a sneek preview! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We got to go to a huge garage sale to benifit cancer research. Found a couple of neat things, a really tarnished bowl for 2 bucks (the more tarnish the better), and a sweet pair of bunnies for easter. They are made of satin balls and chenille, and I'm 99.999999% sure they are from the 60's. Have a pretty good feel for that time period, since I grew up in it! Well, better get back to work! Bye for now- Laurie:)
Congratulations Sis! on your very own blog! You will find it to be a lot of fun, not to mention good for business. I'll be adding a link for your blog to mine as soon as I can. Am going to start listing to eBay again tomorrow, so I'd better get back to work! Take care! Love ya! Denise
My goodness!! It gets better and better and better!!! WOW!!
I cannot wait to see your Holiday creations!!!!
You should post pics of your "finds"!!
Have a great week!!
xoxo Jenny
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